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Using A 4k TV As A Monitor For Productivity

    If you’re looking for an ultimate productivity upgrade for your home office, try using a 4k TV as a computer monitor. This trend of using a 4k TV as a monitor is getting quite popular with the popularity of work from home. A 4k TV is a great computer monitor. The screen size is large enough to get work done, and the picture quality is good enough to make it worth working on. It’s also a lot cheaper than a monitor and it can be used for entertainment too. Having a 4k TV sitting on your desk might look ridiculous at first, but wait until you experience the productivity improvements before making a final decision.  

    The Rise Of Using 4k TVs As A Monitor

    A 4k TV is a great upgrade to a computer monitor. It is cheaper, more energy-efficient, and provides an immersive experience for users. The gap between TVs and computer monitors is narrowing. In recent years, both 4K TVs and computer monitors share the same inputs, making it possible to use a TV as a monitor. TVs and monitors both now support HDMI ports. Because of this overlap, you’re seeing a lot of desktop setups using 4k TV as a monitor.

    The size of a 4k TV also makes it great for use as a computer monitor because they are usually 40 inches or larger which is bigger than the size of most computer monitors. With the proliferation of home office setups, workers are always looking for ways to increase their productivity.

    How Using a 4K TV As a Computer Monitor Increases Productivity 

    Fewer distractions with a larger screen

    More usable desktop monitor space means more accessible data at the same time. You don’t need to constantly shuffle between different windows to access additional information. With the added real estate of a 4K TV Monitor, you can open all the windows you need in a clean layout. You can fit about 6 windows comfortably, so you only need to move your eyes or head slightly instead of alt-tabbing to another window. With all the windows open you won’t need to go back and forth to other windows, minimizing distractions.

    A study conducted by Dr. David E. Meyer, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, found that people who used larger screens had higher productivity levels than those with smaller screens.

    In the study, Meyer and his team had participants do a series of tasks on different monitor sizes. They found that those who used the larger screen had higher productivity in terms of accuracy and speed in completing tasks than those with the smaller screen.

    Less eye strain

    The resolution of a 4k TV is 3840×2160 which is four times the resolution of 1080p TVs. This means that you will get sharper text and images on your screen with less eye strain.

    Pros of Using A 4K TV as A Monitor for Productivity

    4k TV Cost Less than a computer monitor of the same size 

    TVs are becoming more and more affordable. And now, it is cheaper to buy a 4K TV than a computer monitor. It’s not uncommon to see a 50-inch 4K TV sell for less than $500 at Costco. If you want to go larger, you can find 55-inch models for less than $1000. They don’t even make computer monitors that big.

    You can get a larger screen size using a 4K TV as a monitor for the same price as buying a computer monitor. It’s like a 2 for 1. You have a 4kTV to watch shows and a computer monitor to work on. Some models allow you to do both with a picture-in-picture option. We can’t argue with science, more area means more productivity.

    Multi-Port Input Convenience

    4K TVs have a bunch of options for connections. More than a typical computer monitor would. It’s convenient to connect to cable boxes, game consoles, and streaming boxes. This flexibility can be great for a small home office. You can have 1 product sitting on your table that does double duty for work and play. Consolidating items is excellent if you’re going for a minimalistic desktop setup.

    Built-In Speakers

    4K TVs come with built-in speakers while most computer monitors do not. You can essentially save on having a separate speaker. Some 4k TVs have really good built-in speakers, like LG’s OLED TVs. However, you might still want an external speaker for better audio quality. The built-in TV speakers are more than enough for a home office and your zoom calls. The decluttering of your desk can also help with productivity. You can also plug your headphones into your computer if you want higher audio quality. 

    Cons of Using A 4K TV as A Computer Monitor for Productivity

    While 4K TVs offer many benefits as monitors, including better usability options, less space, cost-effectiveness, and much more, they have a few drawbacks. Keep these drawbacks in mind before choosing them.

    Lower Resolution (DPI)

    Low TV resolution is one big drawback when using a 4k TV as a monitor. Modern 4K TVs still have a lower DPI (Dots per Inch) ratio than a standard computer monitor. If you’re a web designer or video editor and need to work with high-resolution images, using a 4K TV as a monitor might be difficult to work with.  

    Input Lag

    Input lag is another drawback with using a 4K TV as a monitor. The lag becomes visible when you have to work with fast-moving images, such as video editing or playing video games. Newer TVs have been trying to solve this issue. Also, looking for a TV with a higher refresh rate can help make the lag less noticeable. 

    Higher Weight

    Most of the 4K TVs are heavier. This makes them harder to move, set up in different locations, or fit on a smaller desk. Therefore, people need to switch to alternatives like mounting these 4K TV screens on their room walls.

    4K TVs Need More Viewing Distance Than A Computer Monitor

    A Common complaint with using a 4K TV as a computer monitor is the limited viewing distance. If you’re putting a 48-inch tv on your table, you’ll need to further back than you would with a regular monitor. Some desk setups won’t give you enough space to work with such a large screen. 

    How Do I Use A 4k Monitor For Productivity?

    Choose the Right TV For A Home Office

    First, you need to choose the right 4K TV. Based on the cons, there are 4k TVs that are better suited for use as a monitor for work. Keep in mind the refresh rate, weight, and screen size (DPI).

    These higher-resolution 4k Tv screens have little to no lag. A common choice to use as a computer monitor is the LG CX 48, which has a 120Hz Refresh Rate.

    Check your Laptop or PC Output

    Second, check your PC or Laptop to ensure your video card supports running 4k resolution and has outputs that the TV accepts. Most MacBooks will use a dongle to convert a USBC to HDMI. Most computers in 2019 and upward will support 4k output.

    Check Out Some 4k TV Computer Monitor Desktop Setups

    To better understand if a 4k Tv as a computer monitor is right for you, check out some of the featured setups for some examples. If you continue to work from home, using a 4kTV as a monitor for your home office is an easy win to increase productivity.

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