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Using A 4k TV As A Monitor For Productivity

    If you’re looking for an ultimate productivity upgrade for your home office, try using a 4k TV as a computer monitor. This trend of using a 4k TV as a monitor is getting quite popular with the popularity of work from home. A 4k TV is a great computer monitor. The screen size is large enough to get work done, and the picture quality is good enough to make it worth working on. It’s also a lot cheaper than a monitor and it can be used for entertainment too. Having a 4k TV sitting on your desk might look ridiculous at first, but wait until you experience the productivity improvements before making a final decision.  

    The Rise Of Using 4k TVs As A Monitor

    A 4k TV is a great upgrade to a computer monitor. It is cheaper, more energy-efficient, and provides an immersive experience for users. The gap between TVs and computer monitors is narrowing. In recent years, both 4K TVs and computer monitors share the same inputs, making it possible to use a TV as a monitor. TVs and monitors both now support HDMI ports. Because of this overlap, you’re seeing a lot of desktop setups using 4k TV as a monitor.

    The size of a 4k TV also makes it great for use as a computer monitor because they are usually 40 inches or larger which is bigger than the size of most computer monitors. With the proliferation of home office setups, workers are always looking for ways to increase their productivity.

    How Using a 4K TV As a Computer Monitor Increases Productivity 

    Fewer distractions with a larger screen

    More usable desktop monitor space means more accessible data at the same time. You don’t need to constantly shuffle between different windows to access additional information. With the added real estate of a 4K TV Monitor, you can open all the windows you need in a clean layout. You can fit about 6 windows comfortably, so you only need to move your eyes or head slightly instead of alt-tabbing to another window. With all the windows open you won’t need to go back and forth to other windows, minimizing distractions.

    A study conducted by Dr. David E. Meyer, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, found that people who used larger screens had higher productivity levels than those with smaller screens.

    In the study, Meyer and his team had participants do a series of tasks on different monitor sizes. They found that those who used the larger screen had higher productivity in terms of accuracy and speed in completing tasks than those with the smaller screen.

    Less eye strain

    The resolution of a 4k TV is 3840×2160 which is four times the resolution of 1080p TVs. This means that you will get sharper text and images on your screen with less eye strain.

    Pros of Using A 4K TV as A Monitor for Productivity

    4k TV Cost Less than a computer monitor of the same size 

    TVs are becoming more and more affordable. And now, it is cheaper to buy a 4K TV than a computer monitor. It’s not uncommon to see a 50-inch 4K TV sell for less than $500 at Costco. If you want to go larger, you can find 55-inch models for less than $1000. They don’t even make computer monitors that big.

    You can get a larger screen size using a 4K TV as a monitor for the same price as buying a computer monitor. It’s like a 2 for 1. You have a 4kTV to watch shows and a computer monitor to work on. Some models allow you to do both with a picture-in-picture option. We can’t argue with science, more area means more productivity.

    Multi-Port Input Convenience

    4K TVs have a bunch of options for connections. More than a typical computer monitor would. It’s convenient to connect to cable boxes, game consoles, and streaming boxes. This flexibility can be great for a small home office. You can have 1 product sitting on your table that does double duty for work and play. Consolidating items is excellent if you’re going for a minimalistic desktop setup.

    Built-In Speakers

    4K TVs come with built-in speakers while most computer monitors do not. You can essentially save on having a separate speaker. Some 4k TVs have really good built-in speakers, like LG’s OLED TVs. However, you might still want an external speaker for better audio quality. The built-in TV speakers are more than enough for a home office and your zoom calls. The decluttering of your desk can also help with productivity. You can also plug your headphones into your computer if you want higher audio quality. 

    Cons of Using A 4K TV as A Computer Monitor for Productivity

    While 4K TVs offer many benefits as monitors, including better usability options, less space, cost-effectiveness, and much more, they have a few drawbacks. Keep these drawbacks in mind before choosing them.

    Lower Resolution (DPI)

    Low TV resolution is one big drawback when using a 4k TV as a monitor. Modern 4K TVs still have a lower DPI (Dots per Inch) ratio than a standard computer monitor. If you’re a web designer or video editor and need to work with high-resolution images, using a 4K TV as a monitor might be difficult to work with.  

    Input Lag

    Input lag is another drawback with using a 4K TV as a monitor. The lag becomes visible when you have to work with fast-moving images, such as video editing or playing video games. Newer TVs have been trying to solve this issue. Also, looking for a TV with a higher refresh rate can help make the lag less noticeable. 

    Higher Weight

    Most of the 4K TVs are heavier. This makes them harder to move, set up in different locations, or fit on a smaller desk. Therefore, people need to switch to alternatives like mounting these 4K TV screens on their room walls.

    4K TVs Need More Viewing Distance Than A Computer Monitor

    A Common complaint with using a 4K TV as a computer monitor is the limited viewing distance. If you’re putting a 48-inch tv on your table, you’ll need to further back than you would with a regular monitor. Some desk setups won’t give you enough space to work with such a large screen. 

    How Do I Use A 4k Monitor For Productivity?

    Choose the Right TV For A Home Office

    First, you need to choose the right 4K TV. Based on the cons, there are 4k TVs that are better suited for use as a monitor for work. Keep in mind the refresh rate, weight, and screen size (DPI).

    These higher-resolution 4k Tv screens have little to no lag. A common choice to use as a computer monitor is the LG CX 48, which has a 120Hz Refresh Rate.

    Check your Laptop or PC Output

    Second, check your PC or Laptop to ensure your video card supports running 4k resolution and has outputs that the TV accepts. Most MacBooks will use a dongle to convert a USBC to HDMI. Most computers in 2019 and upward will support 4k output.

    Check Out Some 4k TV Computer Monitor Desktop Setups

    To better understand if a 4k Tv as a computer monitor is right for you, check out some of the featured setups for some examples. If you continue to work from home, using a 4kTV as a monitor for your home office is an easy win to increase productivity.

    Top 10 Home Office Plants For Your Desktop Setup

      Adding plants to your home office desktop setup can improve air quality, reduce stress, and make your office more aesthetic. Our home office is usually where we spend most of our working days now. We can change the mood of our home office by just adding some plants to our desktop setup!

      Plants are an important part of any home office space. They can help you improve your mood, reduce stress, and increase productivity. It has been proven that plants can purify the air. There is also an aesthetic advantage. There are thousands of different species to find the perfect one for your interior and office conditions. When we have a pleasant environment for our eyes, it can also reduce stress levels and increase creativity.

      Which Plant Is Good For A Home Office Desktop Setup?

      Each plant has its own characteristics. Some desk plants are more suited for offices with low light conditions, while others need more sun or water. Ask yourself if you want a plant that requires a steady watering schedule or one you don’t have to care for. Let’s go check them all out to see which ones you can get a desktop setup with plants!

      Top 10 Home Office Plants For Your Desktop Setup

      1) Snake Plant – Sansevieria Trifasciata

      Snake Plants are nicknamed Mother-in-law’s tongue because they can grow super old. They have a clean structure and go well with the minimalist vibe of your office desktop setup. They come in a wide variety of colors, patterns, forms, and sizes. Sansevierias are highly adaptable. It can survive in almost all conditions, like if your busy schedule makes you forget about your plant. In addition to their carefree nature, sansevierias are great home office plants because they are good air purifiers.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 60-85°F
      Light: They prefer medium, indirect light, but they can also tolerate being in the shade or fully exposed to the sun.
      Water: If you decide to go on holiday you don’t have to think about your Sansevieria, since they can survive up to a month without water. For regular maintenance, its the best to water them every two to three weeks. Make sure the soil is completely dry before watering to prevent rot.

      2) Aloe Vera

      Aloe Vera is an easy-to-care succulent, the perfect plant for your desktop setup and home office. It is also famous for its healing powers. Once the leaves mature, you can remove them from the plant and squeeze out the gel to treat burns, bruises, and sores. If you get any paper cuts while working, you’re prepared. Small cutting of aloe won’t damage the plant and will have many benefits. Aloe is also one of NASA’s top air-purifying plants, and all you have to provide them is full sunlight.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 65 – 75°F
      Light: If your office desk is near the window, it will be the perfect place for your aloe. The brighter, the better!
      Water: Aloe retains moisture in its thick, elongated leaves, making it a highly drought-tolerant species. That is the reason why you don’t have to water it often. You know it’s time for hydration only when the soil is completely dried out.

      3) Peace Lily Plant – Spathiphyllum Wallisii

      Peace Lilies are named after their beautiful white flowers that rise among the dense green foliage. It’s a popular home office desktop setup plant. It is best to buy peace lilies with blooms and buds as it can be challenging to bloom inside again. Even though this plant will embellish your space, appearance is not its best feature. Peace Lily is ranked at the top of NASA’s list of the best air purifiers because it successfully reduces toxins in the air. Therefore, your office will look nice and be healthier and more productive.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: : 60-80°F
      Light: They prefer moderate or medium light. They can also grow in the shade, but you need to provide light to your plant if you want your flowers to bloom. If the leaves turn pale or start to curl, it can signify that they receive too much sunlight. These plants are great for a home office because it’s easy to take care of.
      Water: This plant needs regular watering because it will easily limp if they go completely dry. But still, once a week would be completely fine.

      4) Bamboo – Dracaena sanderiana

      Lucky Bamboo is considered a symbol of luck and good fortune, making it perfect for your home office desktop setup! You can shape its stems into fun shapes like spirals or waves. Bamboos are so hearty that they can even grow without soil. Bamboos will survive if you submerge all the roots in water. You can have it sit on the desktop without worrying about the dirt.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 65–95°F
      Light: Bamboos are best for desktop setups with bright light. It can survive with low light, but it won’t grow much.
      Water: Bamboo plants thrive on filtered water because chlorine from tap water can damage them. You know it’s time for the next watering session when the soil is dry. If your Bamboo is in the water, add some every two weeks to ensure the water level doesn’t sink below the stems.

      5) Devil’s Ivy – (Pothos)

      These are fast-growing vines, so that they can be quite long. These plants are the most popular plants for your home office desktop setup. Many setups showcase devil’s ivy on shelves and let the leaves drape down. Their heart-shaped leaves come in a wide variety of light and dark colors. It tolerates well all the conditions of your office, so it does not need a lot of maintenance.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 60-85°F
      Light: It can survive in a dark corner as well directly exposed to the sun. But it will be best to provide them with bright, indirect light. If you start to see the tips of the leaves dry out, it could be a sign that you need to move your plan further from the light source.
      Water: You can check your plant’s leaves to understand its status. Yellow leaves mean it’s been overwatered, while if it is thirsty, the leaves will droop. Even if you neglect succulents for a while, they will rebound quickly when you water them next time. It would be best if you allowed the soil to dry between watering.

      6) Philodendrons

      There are many variations of the Philodendron. What these plants all have in common are beautiful glossy heart-shaped leaves. You can choose between those with splits or those with whole leaves. They will bring a tropical vibe and serenity to your office regarding the shape. Philodendron is a plant that does not require much maintenance. It easily adapts to all the conditions of your office. Although it prefers a drier environment, it will thrive if you mist its leaves from time to time to clean them. The clean leaves allow the plants to photosynthesize better.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 60-80°F Light: Natural, indirect light is the best for Philodendron. If your philodendron leaves are solid and green, they shouldn’t be exposed to strong sunlight, while those without solid green leaves are better for spaces with bright, indirect light.
      Water: When you water it, you can water it well, but make sure that the top layer of soil dries before the next watering.

      7) Chinese Evergreen – Aglaonema Commutatum

      This home office plant is ideal for beginners. You can’t do much to harm Chinese Evergreens. It can thrive in some poor conditions. It does thrive in naturally humid environments. Their foliage can be deep green with traces of silver or red which can be very eye-catching on your desktop. Aglaonema is very popular in the East and symbolizes long life, which is where the name originates from in meaning. One of the reasons for that is their ability to filtrate various air pollutants.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 60-75°F
      Light: Depends on the color of the foliage. If the foliage is darker, it can tolerate low light conditions, unlike the patterned ones, which prefer more sunlight. But you have to be careful since this plant burns easily, so don’t keep it in direct sunlight.
      Water: Chinese Evergreen does not need watering often, and how much you water it depends on the season. When it’s warm, you should water it once a week. While in the colder months, you only need to water it every two to three weeks. One thing to note is that Chinese Evergreens need occasional misting, especially if their leaves are turning brown.

      8) ZZ Plant – Zamioculcas zamiifolia

      This low-maintenance plant is known for its gently arching stems lined on either side with deep green, smooth leaves. ZZ Plant can adjust to almost all conditions of your home office environment.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 60-75°F
      Light: ZZ thrives in moderate to brighter light environments. Low light works fine also, but in that case, your plant can’t grow as tall as it can.
      Water: Its stalks and roots store a huge amount of water, so it can go for weeks without watering. The ideal watering schedule would be every three weeks. If the leaves start falling off, give them a good watering, and the problem will be solved.

      9) Spider Plant – Chlorophytum Comosum

      This plant got this nickname because of its thin, long leaves called spiderettes. Their green leaves can be variegated with cream or white stripes, elevating your desktop aesthetic. Spider Plants can also remove particulate matter like dust which is another plus for a home office setup. If that’s not enough, another good feature of Spider Plant is that they are pet and children-friendly.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 65-75°F
      Light: They like the bright and indirect sun, so keeping them close to a window will be best. But they would do well even if your office is dim.
      Water: It should be watered once a week to keep the soil moist all the time.

      10) Cactus

      Cactus is perfect for beginners and those who already know they can’t take care of the plant but want them in a home office setup. Since it is native to dry, harsh deserts, Cacti is the only plant that actually thrives on neglect. Just provide them plenty of direct sunlight and keep up with your work. Cacti will be completely fine. There are over 2000 types of Cacti in many sizes, so you can find the perfect one for your home office setup.

      Growing conditions: Temperature: 45-85°F
      Light: Light is all your Cactus needs. The best place to put them is by the window with plenty of light.
      Water: They contain a huge amount of water, so it’s fine if you forget to water your Cactus from time to time. Cactus should be watered once a week when it is super hot. When indoors, every three weeks should be fine.

      What Is A Good Low Maintenance Home Office Desk Plant?

      Most of the home office plants we listed are easy to set up and take care of. If you’re looking for plants that are low maintenance and carefree, consider the cactus, snake plant, aloe, or bamboo. The cactus, snake plant, and aloe plant are so low maintaining it can go a month without watering while the bamboo can sit in a vase of water.

      Plants make a home office feel more inviting because they add color and life to any space. Adding shades of green helps to add a natural feel to otherwise monotone spaces. Hopefully, this allows you to find the perfect plant that suits your lifestyle and environment, and you’ll start experiencing the rewards that plants bring.

      How To Declutter Your Home Office For Productivity

        Remote work is becoming more popular every day. In this article, we will provide you with tips on how to declutter your home office for productivity. Decluttering your home office is a powerful tool to also declutter your mind. It is scientifically proven that working in a cluttered environment can affect your productivity. If you have only essentials in front of you, your brain will be more focused on the relevant tasks and you will achieve more. Decluttering your Home office is key for productivity.

        There are many other benefits that come with a clean and organized space. Having fewer things around will provide you more free time since you will do your tasks efficiently, more finance because you won’t spend money on stuff you don’t need, and most importantly – less stress.

        If you feel that you need more space around you, here are a few simple methods to declutter your home office for productivity that you can try right away!

        5 Methods to Declutter Your Home Office for Productivity

        1) KonMari Method To Declutter Your Home Office

        KonMari method became popular not only as a cleaning technique but as a philosophy of life as well. The main idea of this method is to listen to the inner voice that will guide you not only to choose what things you want to keep but also what lifestyle you want for yourself. Reassessing and organizing your space is the gateway to your inner transformation.

        Marie’s method is based on deciding what to keep, not what you want to throw away. It is important to feel the excitement and flow of energy when you hold an object in your hand so you can allow your being to decide whether it needs the object or not. To begin the process of decluttering, start by completely emptying your workspace, leaving only the essentials – computer, keyboard, and mouse. Then group similar things and take each item one by one in your hand and ask yourself do you feel the “sparkle of joy”. If you feel a flow of positive energy holding it you can return it to your workspace. But if you don’t feel the spark, thank it for its service and put it in the trash, recycle bin, or donation box.

        KonMari Method Pros:

        By using this method to declutter your home office you will have a clear overview of all the things you own and kept for years that you did not need. You will understand that it is unnecessary to have 10 pens and to keep papers that have not been used for years. Decluttering will ultimately help with productivity flow because you will only have things that spark joy and not distractions.

        KonMari Method Cons:

        A key element of Marie’s philosophy is to tidy up in one shot, rather than little by little. Of course, sometimes it is not possible to clean your space in a couple of hours. Yes, it will be difficult and exhausting, but the results will be worth it and you will not have to think about cleaning for a long time.

        2) 12-12-12 Method To Declutter

        The 12-12-12 Method is a simple method to declutter for increased productivity. All you need to do is to find 12 items to throw away, 12 to put away and 12 to donate. The best tactic is to start with 12 things to put away. I am sure you can find 12 things that you don’t need in your work environment. Start with the small things.

        That will ease your next step – to throw and donate. Work environments are often full of unnecessary things that you haven’t used for a long time. If you haven’t used it recently, there is a high chance that you won’t need it in the future either. So throw it away! And the last step, donation, is usually related to gifts and piled-up things.

        We often don’t want to offend someone by rejecting their gift so we just put it somewhere and forget about it. Also when you take promo pencils you don’t think about how many of them you end up accumulating in a pen holder. Just let it go – Someone else may love it!

        12-12-12 Method Pros:

        This method is great when you are in a rush, you can easily declutter your space in an hour. Also, if you don’t enjoy cleaning and organizing, making the task countable can ease things a little. Just remember, with this quick tidy-up, your work environment will be released from 36 items!

        12-12-12 Method Cons:

        Even though it can be done quickly, sometimes those 12 items aren’t enough for the space to feel decluttered. It all depends on how often you clean your space and how quickly you pile it up again.

        3) Packing Party Method for Decluttering Your Home Office

        This method was developed by two friends who are successful but only ostensibly happy businessmen.
        They were miserable with their jobs and everyday life so they began to fall deeper into depression and anxiety. Not knowing how to get out of their situation they tried to fill that void with consumerism. It was clear that the results were the opposite. Then, one day they discovered minimalism! They wanted to change their life completely by throwing a packing party because everything is easier at the party, right? One of them was pretending that he was moving, and they packed all his stuff into the boxes. All of it. He decided to open the box only if he really needs something from it for the next 3 weeks. And guess what, 80% of stuff stayed in boxes because he didn’t need them at all.

        Packing Party Pros:

        The Packing Party decluttering method can be great to help gain awareness of which items are absolutely necessary for your daily activities and which aren’t. If you pack all your office stuff in one big box, you will only extract essentials in the first few days. But after a month you won’t even open that box… I’m sure that you won’t even know what is inside. Because if you don’t need something for one month there is a really small chance you will need it in the future as well.

        Packing Party Cons:

        Working from home can bring a lot of documents and papers to our home office. And most of them we don’t need, but they have to be stored “just in case”. So, looking for that one piece of paper in the box filled with stuff can be challenging. Also, this method can work only for those who are ready for radical changes in their life, since a “packing party” requires money, time, and courage.

        4) 4 Box Method Of Decluttering Your Home Office

        The idea behind the 4 Box Method method is to find 4 boxes and label them: Trash, Give away, Storage, Put Away. The exercise here is to bucket each item to help you declutter. Just start by taking an item one by one and putting it in the right box. Your home office would be decluttered in no time.

        Trash: In this box, you should put all the broken items, along with any items you don’t need or don’t use.

        Give Away: Feel free to donate or sell the items you don’t need. For you, they may be just clutter but they can be precious for someone else. Also, if you can earn some money by selling a valuable item you can take advantage of it and invest money in something you really need.

        Storage: You should store items that you don’t use on a regular basis but you know you will need. Try to be organized and sort out similar items into the same box, so you can find them quickly when you need them. Labeling the boxes with what items you grouped together into them will make it easier to locate as well.

        Put Away: These are items that you really need on regular basis. Try to find a “home” for these items on your desk and remember to put them back after each use. The point of this decluttering is to rely on less, so try to keep just essentials.

        4 Box Method Pros:

        The 4 Box Method is a very transparent way to declutter your home office. You have more options to choose from on where to place each item rather than having to pick between keeping and getting rid of.

        4 Box Method Cons:

        Sometimes it is hard to be objective and decide in which box you should put the item especially if you don’t use it but feel an emotional bond. It is important to get rid of the boxes as soon as we fill them. Don’t give yourself time to change your mind, if you put an item in the trash once, it should remain in the trash!

        5) 90 90 Rule To Declutter Your Home Office

        This decluttering rule is intended for people who have problems with deciding and overthinking the items while decluttering. It seems rough but it can also be so liberating. All you need to do when you have a dilemma is to ask yourself 2 questions:

        1) Did I use this thing in the past 90 days?
        2) If not, will I use it in the next 90 days?

        If your answer to both questions is no, stop thinking and just get rid of it. If you answer yes to one of the questions, just keep it! The decluttered home office will certainly help with productivity.

        Pros of 90 90 Rule:

        Using this method can do wonders to your workspace if you know you are indecisive. You don’t have the opportunity to think and procrastinate since all you need is to answer these questions for a choice to be made.

        Cons of 90 90 Rule:

        Of course, there are things you don’t use for the current project which can last for months, but maybe you will need them for the next one. In these situations, it’s okay to extend the rule but you have to be honest and not try to trick your mind to keep clutter.

        Recommended Books on How To Declutter Your Home Office For Productivity

        The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo

        This international bestseller has been a revolutionary book in the decluttering world. Marie shares her secret and ultimate guide on how to achieve internal happiness simply by organizing and decluttering your space.

        The Minimalist Home by Joshua Becker

        The author brings us closer to all benefits and magic of a minimalist home. He provides practical step-by-step tactics and strategies to achieve a comfortable and warm home for your whole family.

        Let It Go by Peter Walsh

        Sorting through accumulated possessions is a stressful process that most people have to confront at some point in life. Those situations often follow momentous life changes so Peter gives us tips on how to understand emotional challenges that accompany downsizing and how to use it as a positive experience.

        Home Desktop Setup and the Psychology of Color

          The color you surround yourself with has a direct impact on your mood, productivity, and focus. Desktop setups and psychology of color are especially important while working from home. 

          Many workers have gone from a daily office commute to working from home permanently. It’s no surprise that people need a proper home office space to work. That’s where the psychology of color comes into play. 

          It might seem easy to throw a desk and a chair into a room and call it a day. However, the room’s color palette should be well thought out for your home office space to be a productive environment. 

          The psychology of color in the office is more important now than ever. We use the same space for both work and leisure. Our spaces should promote positivity and encourage concentration and focus. The colors you surround yourself with will help to create the mood for work. Certain color palettes are good for concentration and focus. Consider the psychology of color while setting up your work from home environment.  

          Designing a room is fun! So, take your time with it. Don’t just grab whatever paint is on sale at the store. Make sure it’s a color that will help you focus and stay calm. We’ll take a look at how the room color palette is important for concentration and focus. You’re going to be spending a lot of time in this home office; you might as well enjoy it! 

          Why Is Color So Important For Work From Home?

          You are probably wondering why we are emphasizing color palettes for your office instead of design. Well, a good office design will be of no use to you if the color of the room is distracting or evokes a negative feeling. If you don’t like the color, you won’t want to spend time there either. You will be spending a lot of time in your home office, and even if you aren’t crazy about your job, you should be able to work in a space that keeps you calm and focused. 

          Colors can have a substantial effect on mood and behavior. Especially if that color is painted onto all four walls of the room and you are spending the day in. Your home office should be a sanctuary as well as a productive place for you to work. The last thing you want is your home office to be a hub of stress and anxiety. So, let’s look at some colors and why they evoke the response they do. 

          Warm Colors And Impact On Productivity

          Warm colors are reds, oranges, and yellows. They sit next to each other on the color wheel and are associated with happiness, optimism, and energy. Warm colors can also be attention-grabbing when they are bright, which can be distracting. Think about stop signs, caution tape, and hazard warnings. All characters you see out on the road to notify you of danger and caution. They can signal danger or convince you to want to take action. Red can also make you hungry, which could be distracting when you’re working and don’t have a snack. 

          Red can also promote feelings of anger or passion, which are both intense color responses. A bright red, yellow, or orange may not be the best idea for an office, but perhaps muted tones could work. 

          Cool Colors For Creativity

          Use the psychology of color for your desktop setups to your advantage. The cool color family includes blues, greens, and purples. Cool colors typically evoke a calming and soothing feeling in people. Shades of blue are also used to express sadness in artwork, as well. Purple is a mix of red and blue, so the combination of the intensity of red and the calmness of blue can spark creativity. Cool colors are an option to consider for a work-from-home environment. 

          Think of doctor’s office signs or a therapy agency. They usually use blues and greens on signs to express calmness. Blue is also associated with health. So, if you want a calming effect in your office, perhaps you can try a light shade of blue for your walls or greens and purples. 

          Bright Colors And Stimulation

          Different bright colors can evoke different responses. For instance, a bright yellow can fill a room with joy and focus, but it can be overstimulating, especially for a work environment. A bright color palette should not be used in excess because it can be overwhelming for a home office. 

          If used in moderation, bright colors can enhance alertness and creativity. Try using bright colors as an accent as opposed to the main color of the home office. 

          Pastel Colors And Mood

          Pastel colors are in a league of their own. They are lighter hues that can encourage an uplifting mood. These colors can include yellows, purples, and peaches, to name a few. Pastels are bright and neutral colors simultaneously but softer and muted than their more brilliant siblings. 

          If you have your heart set on using an intense color like a bright red in your home office, consider offsetting it with a pastel color like pink, so all four walls are not red. 

          Black, Grey, and White 

          Don’t underestimate the power of black, grey, and white in your color palette. Black is commonly associated with seriousness, class, and power. Grey is often seen as a sad color but is a good neutral for an office color palette as an accent or used for a more serious environment. White goes with everything, can evoke joy and calmness, and is a good balance between dark colors for contrast. 

          Desktop Setups and Color Palettes

          Now that we know a little bit about the psychology of colors and how they evoke emotions, let’s look at some of the best color palettes for a home office. Of course, the color choices still depend on a person’s preference and personality type. Colors affect everyone differently, so it’s important to know yourself and what’s right for you and your office needs. 

          Earth Tones 

          The Earth tones are a great place to start for a home office. Within the Earth tone color palettes are many choices and variations. The Earth tones include greens, browns, oranges, reds, yellows, and neutrals like beige. Earthy tones typically provide a warm and inviting environment. Usually, you will see muted or matte versions of the earth tones and colors. You have a lot of wiggle room to mix and match and still come out with a calming palette that will help you focus while keeping you calm during the day. Not to mention they are very aesthetically pleasing. 

          Try out an olive-green tone with brown and gold accents for a focused Earth tone home office. These colors have been known to promote a focused, calm, and inviting environment. Adding gold accents even in your office supplies will help brighten up the room. 

          Psycology Of Light Blue Colors

          There’s nothing more calming than light or pastel blue. Try a light blue shade out with white or brown accents for a peaceful room. If your job is high stress, keeping your color palette neutral with a calming blue backdrop on the walls will keep you from distractions and in a calm state of mind during the workday. Not to mention, it will look very nice. 

          Grey, Black, and White Colors

          Grey and black are a perfect combination for a professional and minimalist environment. If you hold appointments in your home office or deal with very serious business and don’t like clutter, grey and black could be a good color option for you.

          Black promotes seriousness and luxury. It is an easy way to feel classy and minimalist without doing so much as a good paint job. Using the grey can offset the intensity of the black for contrast. You can also do this with white. It will give you a modern look without being too busy. 

          Neutral Colors And Impact On Focus

          You can’t go wrong with a good neutral color palette. If you’re unsure how to react to bright or pastel colors, a neutral palette could be good for your home office. Try using beige as your base and adding gold and brown accents to keep anything from being too distracting. 

          Using neutrals will promote a joyous atmosphere and brighten up the room. This type of color palette is great for a smaller space. The light colors will help it feel larger and embrace the natural light. 

          Time To Bring Some Color To Your Home Office

          To sum it up, the color palette you choose for a home office can make or break your workflow. Using different colors can evoke different emotional responses, so looking into the color of psychology should help you choose the right color palette for you. Using these suggestions as a guide can help you go in the right direction for a color scheme that will bring you joy and help you focus. 

          Everyone is different, so try a few swatches to see what helps bring calm and focus. Browse our curation of desktop setups for home offices for ideas. Looking at colors online won’t be as helpful as actually seeing them in person on the wall. Have fun with it! 

          Work From Home Lighting Setups – How To Maximize Productivity

            Lighting setups is one of the most important factors for focus and productivity while working from home. As most of the workforce continues to work remotely, one perk is getting to design your home office however you like. People often focus on the desk setups, but work from home lighting setups is just as important. Gone are the days of getting stuck in a cubicle under fluorescent lights or having a windowless office. Your home will still have some limitations, but you can have total control over the lighting.

            When you’re setting up the lighting for your home office, it’s important to keep in mind the way lighting can affect your productivity and focus. Type of light bulbs, color temperature, and lighting placement are all factors that can increase productivity and focus while you’re working from home. So, let’s look at what you can do for your work from home lighting and how it impacts productivity and focus. 

            Work From Home Lighting Basics

            To start, the lighting in your home office can and will affect your focus and productivity. Setting your desk setup for productivity and focus would be incomplete without the right lighting setup. Lighting can magically affect your mood, physical health, and circadian rhythm. Lighting is everything! Not all lighting will work for the entire day, either. According to UNC the type and coHome Desktop Setup and the Psychology of Colorlor of lighting has a huge impact on productivity.

            When you’re working from home, you spend a lot of time staring at a screen and probably spending your breaks staring at the smaller fun screen you keep in your pocket. All of this screen time can cause eye strain and potentially migraines, so choose your lighting carefully. Color temperature and the type of lightbulbs you use will make a huge difference in productivity and how you feel throughout the day.  

            Home Office Lighting Color Temperature And Focus 

            The color temperature of the lighting you choose can make or break your focus while you’re working. We’ve evolved as humans to the rise and setting of the sun. Daylight has a blueish hue, and Sunsets have a yellow hue, hence golden hour. Our bodies take a cue from the light and respond accordingly. 

            Blue and Daylight Tones For Focus

            As mentioned before, blue or cooler lighting is best for focus during the workday. Cooler temperatures and “daylight” help you to concentrate and are less distracting during the workday.

            Warmer Light Tones For Relaxation

            Warmer lighting such as orange or yellowish lights is better for calm and relaxation. Think of trendy Edison bulbs in a dim bar or fancy kitchen. That type of lighting will not make you want to work; it’ll make you want to sip a cocktail in a comfy lounge chair. 

            Chose The Right Color For The Right Time

            If you are going to be working long hours, you might want to adjust your lighting color temperatures as the day goes on. For example, you could start your morning with cool blue lighting and adapt to a warmer setting as you get closer to the end of the workday to help you wind down before it’s time to relax. There are plenty of options to buy adjustable lighting these days to help you achieve this lighting style if it sounds like it will work for you. 

            Different Types of Home Office Lighting

            LED Vs. Fluorescent Lighting 

            Let’s talk about the different types of lightbulbs. The two main choices you will have when deciding are LED bulbs or fluorescent bulbs. LED lighting is the most popular choice because it is energy efficient and saves money. These bulbs can last years without being replaced, so they are a budget-friendly option. They are more expensive up front, but you get your money’s with them since they don’t need to be replaced as often. 

            Fluorescent lighting is what was once traditionally used in offices. It can be bright, harsh and if you stay at work late, the lights could interfere with your sleep, keeping you awake longer. This serves its intended purpose while you’re in the office. If you choose LED lights, they will typically have a dimming feature or different settings so you don’t have to have them on full blast all day. 

            Natural Lighting For Concentration and Focus

            We’ve talked about different types of lights but there is no better lighting for focus than natural sunlight. If it’s possible, try to set up your home office in a room with plenty of natural light to get you through the day. Have you ever taken a walk during the workday and come back refreshed? That’s the Vitamin D from the sun talking! Being able to access that light all day is one of the best things you can do for yourself. 

            If natural light is unavailable to you, try to take walks or go outside at least a few times a day to soak up some rays and get your mind going. 

            Proper Lighting Brightness For A Home Office

            There is such a thing as too bight when it comes to lighting. You’ll want to consider the light you’re getting from your computer, tablet, and phone screens when deciding on lighting options. Obviously, your computer screen isn’t going to be able to light the entire room, and you may have a dimmer on it to alleviate eye strain as it is. 

            Think about the type of focused work you’re doing. Is everything on the computer? If you are printing out documents and handwriting notes, consider a dedicated desk lamp that focuses on that work to keep it well-lit. 

            For other office lights, it’s all up to you. Indirect light is recommended to keep you from having too much light on you that can impact your circadian rhythm and potentially cause migraines. Natural light is going to be your best friend, so you may be able to get away with no artificial lighting during the day in the right room. 

            Set Up The Perfect Work From Home Lighting for Focus

            To sum it up, your home office lighting is essential to have a productive and focused day. There are many different options on the market for lighting, but with your home office, you have total control. 

            Choosing LED lights will give you control over the lighting during the day and will save you money by being long-lasting and energy-efficient. When you can, it’s best to rely on natural light for Vitamin D and the optimum lighting without being too harsh. Avoid glares and shadows by strategically setting your office up. 

            Having control over your home office is one of the many perks of working from home, so make sure you take the time to choose the right options for you! 

            Desktop Setups for Flow State – Work From Home (WFH)

              Desktop Setups can be conducive to achieving the Flow State while working from home. Flow is a mental state where you are so engulfed in an activity; you lose the sense of time and self. It’s what athletes sometimes define as being “in the zone.” We’ve all encountered it at some point in our life where we go on and on working on something, and your mind automatically blocks off all distractions. Nothing else seems to matter other than the task you’re focused on. 

              “Flow” has been researched extensively by psychologist Mihály Csíkszentmihályi . We won’t go into what Flow is in this article but will go over how optimal desktop setups can help you achieve Flow while working from home (WFH).

              Why Is Flow Important while Working From Home (WFH)

              Studies have shown while executives are in Flow, they are five times more efficient and productive. Wouldn’t you like to finish your work in 25%th the time? Being in Flow helps you tune out distractions as well.

              While Mihály has outlined conditions to trigger Flow, including setting goals and challenges, we’ll focus on setting up a work environment that eliminates distractions. These external factors can contribute to and trigger Flow. 

              Flow While Work From Home

              One of the things that ruin your Focus, as HBR identified, is a cluttered and messy desk. Setting up a dedicated office and having a clutter-free desk is imperative to Focus. An excellent guideline to de-clutter would be Marie Kondo’s Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.

              Flow is key to enhancing concentration, creativity, and success while working from home. Whether you are coding, a writer, designer, or performing any job really, Flow can help you achieve it more efficiently and creatively. 

              Limit Distractions & Complete Concentration

              Distractions are the greatest barrier to obtaining Focus and flow at work. A comfortable work environment will limit external distractions. We don’t want to limit distractions, but we want to set up an environment that gives you joy. The perfect Desk Setup will make you want to do work. Sounds ridiculous, right? A Cluttered desktop can cause distraction. There are quite a few researched triggers that induce Flow and are collectively known as “Flow Trigger”.

              According to a UC Irvine study, it takes 25 min to regain Focus on your original task once you’ve been distracted. Science. Compound that with regular distractions, and you’re going to have an unproductive day.  

              Our Work from Home Desk setup goal is to replicate your work environment as close as possible at home. All this while eliminating any distractions that lead us away from work. 

              Desk Setup For Flow:

              Great lighting

              A desktop setup with great lighting helps prevent “Computer Vision Syndrome” that leads to Headaches and eyestrain. All factors impact your ability to concentrate and achieve Flow.

              • Set up close to Natural Light if possible
              • Minimize light reflections and glare from overhead or behind the monitor
              • Have enough light to prevent eyestrain

              Clean and decluttered desktop

              Eliminating visible physical clutter can increase productivity and induce calm. Clutter can cause stress and frustration. A clean environment can induce calm and confidence. 

              • Good Cable Management. Cables are like hairs; once tangled it’s hard to untangle. With all our connected devices, cables can become unsightly. Hide your cables and it can provide a soothing and clean environment.
              • Proper Ergonomics for less strain
              • Standing Desk to provide the right and adjustable height
              • Properly adjusted monitor and keyboard

              Have the right tools for the job

              Not having the proper tools and setup for work from home can cause frustrations and distractions. Many companies provide stipends for desk setups while working from home. Get the proper tools you need to reduce distractions and maximize Flow and overall success while working from home.

              • Comfortable and ergonomic keyboard
              • Proper mouse and mousepad (prevent carpal tunnel)
              • WiFi speeds to support Zoom and video calls – Place router in close proximity to your computer.

              Limit Interruptions and automate everything

              Automate everything you can to limit interruptions. Set up a docking station to make starting up work easy. Fewer hassles mean fewer barriers to getting going. 

              • Noise-canceling headphones Helps remove distracting noise. Playing white noise can also help to filter out signals that might distract you. 
              • Smart home assistants – Adjust lights and environment with minimal input from you. 

              Plants and greenery for Flow

              Plants have been researched to improve your concentration and focus. What better way to enhance your desk aesthetics while improving work from home flow and concentration? 

              Music to maintain Focus

              Music has also been researched and shown to have positive effects on study and concentration. The right kind of music can help us concentrate. Music helps to block out noise and distraction. Lo-Fi music has been all the rage for study and concentration. Music without lyrics help to keep distraction to a minimum.

              Additional tips to Optimize Flow in your Work From Home Desk Setup 

              Distraction Journal – A popular productivity method that helps identify and track what causes distractions. This self-reflection exercise to jot down different distractions during your workday will help determine what causes those distractions. Once you have identified different distractions, you can modify your desk setup to eliminate the distraction. 

              Creating the perfect desk set up for Flow at home is an iterative and constantly changing process. What might work this month would not work the next. Some research has also shown that switching up your environment helps with motivation and learning. 

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